Our achievements

C’Nano achievements are various and aims at meeting needs of the diverse stakeholders concerned by nanoscience and nanotechnology: students, researchers, engineers, industrials and large public. We simulate interactions between all stakeholders by organizing congress, workshops, thematic networks, seminars, trainings to enable them exchanging research and innovation results, initiating new collaborations or recruitments, enriching their knowledge, keeping training and innovating. We also conduct prospective studies to accompany the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, from research to innovation.

Below, you will find different sections detailing C’Nano achievements.

Chaque année, le C’Nano organise un congrès scientifique interdisciplinaire, destiné à tous les acteurs de la recherche présentant des activités dans les nanosciences et nanotechnologies (chercheurs, enseignants-chercheurs, ingénieurs, post-doctorants, doctorants…).
Ce congrès vise à fédérer la communauté scientifique française pour renforcer l’interdisciplinarité indispensable au devenir des nanosciences et au développement des nanotechnologies. Ce congrès a pour ambition d’être un lieu de rencontres privilégié pour les échanges interdisciplinaires et le suivi de l’actualité scientifique de pointe dans les différentes thématiques de recherche concernées par les « nanos ».

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A look back to previous editions: éditions :

Organized for more than 15 years, the French-Japanese workshop on nanomaterials takes place every 2 years alternatively in France and in Japan. Since 2013, it is organized in partnership with the 4 Japanese World Premier International Research Centers (WPI), MANA, iCeMS, I2CNER and AIMR.

This interdisciplinary workshop aims at strengthening bilateral partnership between French and Japanese scientific communities working in the field of nanomaterials.

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A look back to the 3 previous editions: :

Every year, C’Nano launches a call for applications for national PhD Thesis Prizes, rewarding the best doctoral work in nanoscience and nanotechnology realized in a French University or Great school. A ceremony is organized for the PhD Thesis laureates at the occasion of the C’Nano annual congress.

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A look back to previous editions: éditions :

Since 2019, C’Nano has organized twice a course on journée de formation à destination des étudiants en master sur la démarche « This course was initially set up by » Serenade LabEx (Safe(r) Ecodesign Research and Education Applied to NAnomaterial DEvelopment), a national network (Laboratoire d’excellence) gathering several partners and industrials around the issue concerning the elaboration of safer and innovative nanomaterials.Safe(r) Ecodesign Research and Education Applied to NAnomaterial DEvelopment), un laboratoire d’excellence national ayant regroupé plusieurs partenaires académiques et industriels autour de l’élaboration de nanomatériaux sûrs et innovants.

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A look back to previous editions: éditions :

From 2007 to 2017, C’Nano yearly organized an international summer school on nanoscience in Ile-de-France region. The main goal was to show to young researchers (incl. doctorants and post-docs) that interdisciplinarity is a possible and even inherent feature to research in nanoscience involving various scientific fields.

A look back to previous editions:

En 2021, le C’Nano organise une école résidentielle selon un nouveau format à portée nationale. Labellisée école thématique du CNRS, elle s’adresse principalement aux jeunes entrants, aux doctorants et aux post-doctorants pour leur permettre de s’imprégner de la culture interdisciplinaire nécessaire au développement des « nanos ».

En savoir plus sur l’édition 2021

C’Nano is currently realizing an inventory of master degrees courses in nanoscience in France. A map will be soon available!

Created in 2009 by the C’Nano IdF board, the C’Nano entrepreneurship program aims at stimulating a virtuous circle of nanotechnology transfer through start-up creation. It includes a residential seminar consisting of entrepreneurship awareness as well as a call for projects financing courses and coaching for project leaders in start-up creation.

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Retour sur la précédente édition :

In 2011, C’Nano created in partnership with national Laboratory for metrology and Testing (LNE), a national network gathering academic/industrial/ institutional stakeholders on issues raised by measurement at the nanoscale: Club nanoMétrologie (CnM). It aims at bringing solutions to technological and industrial challenges raised by nanometrology.

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Download the last newsletter (in French only)

Le C’Nano a participé à des salons industriels internationaux pour servir de vitrine française de la recherche de pointe et des nouvelles inventions et innovations issues des laboratoires du réseau. L’objectif est de renforcer les interactions du C’Nano avec les acteurs du monde socio-économique.

In particular, C’Nano exhibited in 2012 and 2013 at Nanotech Japan
à Tokyo, un des plus grands salons internationaux en nanotechnologies, avec plusieurs de ses partenaires : Renatech, les instituts Carnot, Club nanoMétrologie l’EquipEx Excelsior, LabEx Serenade. En 2013, le C’Nano a soutenu la participation à ce salon de la start-up Smartforce Technologies issue du laboratoire LTM (CNRS – UGA).

It is during Imaginenano2013organized by the Fantom Foundation in Bilbao (Spain),, C’Nano also coordinated a 100m2 French2 présentant les acteurs académiques et industriels français dans les nanosciences et nanotechnolThis pavilion was inaugurated by the French Ministry of research and the Spanish Ministry of Industry.

Commanditée en 2014 par l’National Research Agency commissioned a prospective study in with C’Nano was involved. The goals of this study included:

    • • The prospective analysis of nanotechnologies including the synthesis of foresight exercises highlighting the main parameters influencing the evolution of nanotechnologies;
    • L’analyse des différentes évolutions possibles des nanotechnologies et des enjeux scientifiques associés à moyen (cinq ans) et long termes (10 à 15 ans) ;
    • L’identification de plusieurs pistes possibles de recherche pour l’avenir et une analyse des moyens nécessaires à leur mise en oeuvre ;
    • L’élaboration de recommandations et de plans d’action, en particulier relatifs au lancement éventuel de nouveaux programmes de l’ANR.

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Together with the consulting firm In Extenso Innovation Croissance, avec les objectifs suivants : C’Nano conducted in 2017 a prospective study on issues of nanomaterials marketing commissioned the French inter-ministerial committee for prospective and anticipation of economic and social change (Pipame). This study had the following goals:

  • Analyser les conditions de développement et les facteurs d’évolution du marché des nanomatériaux en France ;
  • Dégager les pistes d’actions susceptibles d’accompagner son développement et son évolution vers une plus grande maturité ;
  • • Lay out series of recommendations to boost nanomaterials market growth and strengthen competitiveness of involved stakeholders.

Together with Eco In’Eau consulting firm, C’Nano conducted this study commissioned by Record association, with the following goals:

  • Carry out a state of knowledge on electronic noses and evaluate their readiness level for in situ application;
  • Evaluate the potential for the use of electronic noses in outdoor as well as indoor public and industrial environments;
  • Carry out a critical analysis of available technologies and methods.
     des technologies et méthodologies disponibles.

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