Dear Participants,
We sincerely regret that we had to postpone our congress for the second time, due to the worldwide sanitary situation induced by the COVID19 disease. However, we are strongly convinced that a face-to-face meeting is a better way to enable fruitful interdisciplinary interactions between the various scientific communities in nanoscience, in a convivial atmosphere.
That is the reason why we will still try to make it possible and propose you the following new dates to organize the congress in a face-to-face version in Toulouse: from November 23rd to 25th, 2021. Of course, we will organize videoconferences for foreign invited speakers who will probably not be authorized to travel to France. Should the sanitary situation not enable us to organize a face-to-face meeting, be assured that we shall switch into a 100% online conference at the same dates without postponing it again!
Below, you will find a survey we would like to kindly ask you to answer, in order to evaluate your availabilities at the new congress dates and to keep as much as possible the same scientific program.
As mentioned in our previous email, we shall not be able to reimburse all registrations: registration will be still valid on the new congress dates and we strongly encourage participants who will not be able to attend the congress next November, to be replaced by a colleague from the same lab or project. However, if you face difficulties of any kind, please let us know in the comment area at the end of the survey. We will contact you to find the best solution for you.
Thank you in advance for your understanding. We will do our best to propose a satisfactory alternative to each of you.
Best regards,
The C’Nano congress organizing committee /
Information collected through this survey is subjected to computer processing set up by C’Nano (UAR CNRS 2205), with the purpose to identify availibilities of attendees to the C’Nano 2020 congress at the new proposed dates (from November 23rd to November 25th, 2021). Access to collected information will only be possible for C’Nano congress organizers and information will be stored temporarily (max. 5 years after the end of C’Nano congress). No data transfer will be performed outside European Union.
As required by legal and regulatory measures that are applicable in this case, in particular the modified French law n° 78-17 of January 6th related to informatics, open data policy and freedom of information as well as the European policy n° 2016/679/UE of April 27th, 2016 (applicable since May 25th, 2018), you benefit from the following rights:
– Apply your right of access, in order to be aware of your personal data;
– Request the update of your data if they are wrong;
– Request portability or removal of your data;
– Request the processing limitation of your data;
– Veto the processing of your date for legitimate reasons.
You can apply these rights by contacting: Julie CARIMALO
Centre national de compétences en Nanosciences (C’Nano – UAR CNRS 2205)
Sciences Sorbonne Université
Campus Pierre & Marie Curie – BC 179
4, Place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05
You can also contact the person in charge of data protection at CNRS (DPD) at the following address:
CNRS – SPD , Site Jean Zay – Bâtiment Ariane
2, rue Jean Zay
54500 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy